
Friday, June 3, 2011

Lucy has been taking a 5-month-long dance class where they teach dancing, singing, and acting. It was a really fun experience, and Lucy loved getting to go to the same place her cousins Ashley and Leah take their classes from.

It was too funny - the kids wear microphone headsets a la Britney Spears. You can imagine a bunch of 4-year-olds wearing headsets for a 5-minute performance...there was lots of dialogue we got to overhear!

Waiting for their performances to begin (Lu + Leah)

A little snack before the show / Performing

Lucy's poor tights were brand new and wouldn't stay up around her waist, so she was pulling on them during most of the performance. I was surprised at how well she knew the routine considering each time I peeked in on her practices, she was doing her own thing.

Leah's performance / with Aunt Joy and new cousin Andrew (we're doing our part to keep the redhead population alive and well)

We were so proud of you, Lu!

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  1. Oh Lu Lu, so cute! I can even tell she got a little special lippy and maybe some mascara? Wish I could have been there :(

  2. So precious! I can't even imagine how funny it was too hear all of the dialogue!
