Charlie Turns One

Saturday, October 20, 2012

My dad made this cute note and emailed it to me on Charlie's birthday. Love that Grandpa!

For Charlie's birthday, we had family over for scones and ice cream. Charlie of course had his little cake to dig into. He made pretty good progress eating it, too.

Cousin Spencer living the good life. He loves his bottles.

Silly boy!

Photo courtesy of Lucy...I need to get more shots of me + kids.

Charlie is such a fun little boy to have in our family. He is strong, persistent, determined, unafraid to stick up for himself, and . He is becoming more snuggly with me now that he isn't nursing anymore. He'll come up to me while I'm doing dishes or laundry and hug my leg. He definitely follows me wherever I go. Sometimes he gets so angry with Clark that he starts hitting him like 15 times in a row with a crazy look on his face. :) He doesn't say many words, but talks gibberish often and gets what he wants by grunting in different ways. I love it when I call out for his name looking for him, and he says, "What?" His walk is so adorable - little careful steps. He has a super contagious smile (especially with his chip). He likes playing with cars and blocks. He is a great sleeper and takes 3-4 hours naps every day. I love my October baby so much!

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