The Three

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

A few weeks back, we headed to Grandma's house a few houses down for Sunday dinner. Photo op!

Lu wanted to bring her new camping chair to Grandma's...always having to have a little something in tow.

It's SO painful to take pictures!

Anyone want my shoe? Because I can't keep mine on for 2 seconds...
Life has been good lately. I have had my emotional ups and downs (of course solely due to pregnancy hormones, right?), but I am getting a grip and am enjoying my children. Oftentimes I am hard on myself, too concerned on what others "may" think of my parenting, and am overly critical of my children's behavior. I know that's part of being a mom and having such a huge responsibility on my shoulders, but I still hate it when I let negativity get the best of me. I know better.

I think sometimes we get so preoccupied with our own little family bubble that we forget so many others have the same challenges, or at least different challenges. I've been expanding my gaze to include the big picture. I don't want to micro-analyze every little thing that I don't particularly like.

At church on Sunday, an older couple I have known since I was a little girl spoke in Sacrament meeting. The topic was parenting, and I was captivated the entire time, soaking up every word. One thing the husband said hit home:

"Now, with the passing of enough time and events we can look back at some of the results of our child rearing, which is mostly good. However, if it were possible to do it again, here are some things we might do differently.

1. Spend more time with each child: play more, listen more, give more counsel and praise; be more forgiving and less judgmental.

2. Give each child more responsibility and see that they complete assignments."

I have to admit that sitting and playing with my children and giving undivided attention is not my strong suit. I get so busy with cooking and cleaning and running errands. I know that's only natural with 3, almost 4 children, but I want to be better. But more than that, I want to "be more forgiving and less judgmental." I want to accept my children entirely for who they are. I know I have been incredibly blessed to care for and love them. They are my greatest treasure, and rearing them is what I have always dreamed of. I love them!!

I also liked the second point he made and plan on raising the expectation level of helping mom around the house and doing chores. Getting Brady to complete assignments is pure torture! So, I need to make a realistic chore chart. I've made them in the past, but have failed to follow through. With summer coming at the end of the week, it's time! I'll share when I figure one out.

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  1. I love hearing advise from parents that have been through it all. Thanks for sharing!
    So we our due dates are so close! It's funny. Mine was Oct. 15 but they just moved me back to the 5th. Halfway there!

  2. You are too hard on yourself. Your kids are always so adorable and if they did not have a little spice, they would not be so cute.

  3. Brittany, I love this post and all the thoughts and insights you share on "real" life! You make a good point that we get wrapped up in our own daily grind and forget that there are numerous around us in the same boat! It's therapeutic for me to connect with others and put my own challenges in perspective.

    That look is so Brady, by the way. I couldn't help but laugh.

    What a blessed mama you are.

  4. This is so funny because these past few days as we've been on vacation our daughter has had non-stop, treats, fun, and then some more treats. And she has also been non-stop whiney and cranky. As I was reaching my boiling point the other day I said to B, that's it! This girl needs more responsibility at home...this is getting out of hand.

    I definitely believe in teaching children the value of hard work.

  5. It sure is rough some days. I'm hoping summer makes things easier and not harder. The problem with moms like us is that we are so aware of our parenting faults that we are even more hard on ourselves because we know we can do better. And probably when we're two old ladies and grandmas we'll laugh at ourselves and say, I worried way too much. Oh the joys.

  6. Thank you everyone! Melissa, I agree, there are definitely days I wish I could be better. But, most days, I feel like I'm doing my best and it's still not good enough. That's not my favorite. :) But, I really do feel like I was in a hormonal funk. I bet you and I will be like my grandma who worries more now than she did at our age!!! Let's hope not!
