
Sunday, December 1, 2013

At Brady's school, when you are in 4th or 5th grade, you can volunteer to be a "Grand Greeter". Basically, when a car pulls up to the school, the greeters help open the car door and usher the children our of the car with a friendly hello. It's pretty cute. Brady had his turn for 2 weeks. 

Brandon with his precious 

Love that big wide fake smile 

Everyone wanted a turn massaging dad 

Sporting the new fox towel Grandma Fox bought him for his birthday 

I was proud of myself for finally organizing all of the children's schoolwork in file folders 

Charlie and the Zufelt boys supporting their coaching Daddies at the Ponderosa football game 

Grandma Fox gave Charlie a popsicle before leaving her house, and he didn't make it very far without falling asleep. But he definitely wouldn't let us take it out of his hands when we tried. 

That is one ginormous mouth :) 

Cousin Andrew 

Lucy showing off her doll's new clothes from Granny 

Brady and Grandpa fishing - they caught this on their first cast, and it turned out to be the only fish they caught that day.

Bonding over watching wrestling videos 

I was super lucky enough to get a tooth pulled. :( After a 10-year battle with this molar, it finally got the best of me. In a few months, I will get an implant. 

Our youth temple baptism trip. I could do this every day. 

Lucy got Charlie all set with this sweet setup one day, she is the best sister.

Great Grandma McKinley, going strong at 95! 

Charlie read her several books, he was so excited! 

My sweet girl 

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