June Adventures

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

June started off with a bang. One morning, Brandon was helping a friend in the ward move a TV into his house. His truck was parked at the bottom of his steep driveway. Our sweet friend forgot to put his car in park (or put his emergency brake on), and his truck rolled down the driveway and hit Brandon's. 

I have to admit, I was really worried about Brandon that morning. I felt like he was pretty stressed already and that this was gonna push him over the edge. But true to Brandon fashion, he took it in stride. Nothing gets that guy down. It's amazing.

Boy's Night Out

I love this picture. We had a bird make a nest on our rain gutter this Spring. Brady was, of course, obsessed with it. One day, as I was coming home, I see this. I love his passion for nature.

And one day he even took the next down to check out the pretty eggs. I'm glad the next wasn't disturbed in the process!

Their favorite, dogpile on dad!

Clark and his BFF Maggie

Looks like a shot from a day to Roseville complete with Costa Vida cup. Our favorite kind of day!

Brady helps dogsit for our neighbors

These two...no words.

Special delivery note from Lucy

When sister and girl cousins get their hands on Clark:

Brady taking pics of cousin Leah

Eating his yogurt Pooh-Bear style

Girls' Day Out at Panera

My day at Girl's Camp, one of the best days EVER. Love these girls!

We bought a pool pass for the summer. It is like a block from our house, which is perfect. It was the best decision ever. Here are the boys warming up on the hot pavement. Clark became a pretty good little swimmer this summer. Next summer: Charlie swims.

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  1. Brandon, you fife! (did I spell that right?) Him and Baxter kill me. Also, that first picture of his poor truck kill me. He's a trooper for handling it all in stride. I love all the pictures of daily life. It's those things I don't want to forget.
